Digital Poster

 Hey everybody, welcome to my blog. 

For this week's class, we were assigned to create a digital poster. We were given two options: creating a movie poster of a book or creating a magazine cover. I thought a movie poster would be more difficult so I decided to go with a magazine cover. First I checked some covers from popular magazines such as Vogue and Cosmo. Then I decided to do a magazine about tv shows. After some research I decided to use Canva as my tool. Using Canva was pretty easy and most of the things were free. 

I decided to make a magazine cover of something that I was passionate about, and because my favorite magazine is Tv Guide I decided to do something similar to it. The thing that challenged me the most about this assignment was finding a name for my magazine. After putting a lot of thought into it, I decided to go with Pop-Culture. 

I had a lot of fun while creating my poster. I think assigning students to create a digital poster would help with their creativity and benefit them in the learning process so I would definitely consider using this task with my students in the future. 

This is my magazine cover

Pop-culture - İrem Çınar

You can check the tool that I used for my poster here.

Thank you for reading, take care💖


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