Our Wiki Assignment

 Hey everybody, welcome to my blog!

 For my educational technologies class, we were assigned to write a movie review. I was a little nervous about the assignment because I had never written a review before but the task went better than I had imagined. I chose my friend, Defne to be my partner for the task. We thought it would be better if we chose a movie that we were familiar with, so we decided to write a review on ‘’Encanto’’. He was the one to recommend this movie in the first place! We watched the movie together again (and embarrassingly cried for the second time) and talked about the little details we noticed about the movie and what we could write for our review. Later we wrote the review on a shared google document and finally, we shared our assignment on the wiki page. I have had a lot of fun working with my partner. As a person who hates writing assignments, I realized that collaborative writing could be fun. 

I think using wikis as a collaborative tool is a good idea. To improve a student's collaboration skills as well as their familiarity with technology assigning these types of tasks is very beneficial for them. In my future classes, I will definitely be using wikis to make students work together.

This is our review page:

This is the link to Defne’s blog. You should check it out!

Thank you for reading, take care 💖


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